Immigration Guides
Singapore Immigration Regulations explainedRelocating to Singapore
If you plan to relocate to Singapore to operate your company, read our guides in this section. They will provide you an overall understanding of the various options available for you and your family.
Quick Guide to Singapore Immigration
This guide covers the most common types of work passes and family passes available to foreigners who wish to live and work in Singapore.

Employment Pass (EP) Immigration Scheme
This article provides an overview of the eligibility requirements, necessary documents, and procedures to obtain an Employment Pass in Singapore.

Overseas Network and Expertise (ONE) Pass Singapore: Immigration Scheme
This guide provides an overview of the qualification requirements, necessary documents, and application procedures for an ONE Pass in Singapore.

Entrepreneur Pass (EntrePass) Scheme
This guide provides an overview of the requirements and application procedures for obtaining an Entrepreneur Pass visa in Singapore.

Personalized Employment Pass
Learn how you can obtain the Personalized Employment Pass — a specialized visa that gives you the ability to switch employers while working in Singapore.

Tech.Pass Immigration Program
This is an overview of the requirements for and procedures to obtain the Tech.Pass — visa designed for highly accomplished tech experts and founders.

Singapore's Dependant Pass Program
This article provides detailed information about the eligibility, required documents, and procedure to obtain a Dependent Pass visa in Singapore.

Letter of Consent (LOC) Application
This is a guide to the requirements and procedure to obtain an LOC — certificate allowing eligible LTVP and Dependant Pass holders to work in Singapore.

Permanent Residence GIP Scheme
This article is a guide to the Global Investor Programme, an immigration scheme that grants Permanent Resident status to eligible global investors.

Complementarity Assessment Framework (COMPASS)
This article is a guide to COMPASS - assessment framework designed to objectively evaluate an individual's qualities for visa purposes.
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